When you come up with the idea about the workout, it says you are health conscious. Since our initial school days, we are quite accustomed to the proverb "Health is Wealth ''. Yes, it is. But again, if you can follow up a workout schedule at home with a few best fitness apps, with or without gym equipment, then you save a deck of money.  You can even join a yoga class to learn some postures and practice them at home.

Best Fitness Apps

Tips for a perfect workout at home

It is not possible to have workout instruments at home every time. The reason may be money or lack of space. There are several apps for weight loss monitoring and these are some of the best fitness apps. Now that you don't have some instruments, here is a workout routine for you.

  1. Bridge - Lie on your back with bent knees and arms stretched at sides and feet touching the ground. Raise your bottom by pushing through your feet and fully extend your hips. Return, wait and repeat.
  2. Squat - For this, you can use a chair. Keep your feet and shoulders wide apart, extend your arms, bend your knees and let your bottom touch the chair. Stand back, wait and return.
  3. Push-ups - For beginners, knee push-up is the initial step. Sit in a high plank position on your knees. Bent your elbows to allow your body to touch the ground. Return and restart.
  4. Lunge - This stationary lunge needs you to split your right leg in the front with feet touching the ground, and the left feet on toes. Bent yourself to make your right thigh parallel to the ground. Keep changing the legs after certain reps.
  5. Donkey Kick - Touch the ground with your all fours aligned properly and then kick an imaginary wall with either foot. Hips should remain square with the ground.
  6. Bird Dog - This is quite similar to the Donkey kick. Here you need to extend the opposite arm and foot at the same time while touching the ground with all fours.
  7. Plank - Keep your body straight lying in a plank position. Hold it for a few seconds and relax. Don't let your lower portion touch the ground.
  8. Bicycle Crunch - Lie back on the ground, fold your hands behind your neck. Strengthen one leg and touch the other with the opposite elbow.

There are several other exercises that you can perform at home. But instruments like a treadmill, Dumbbells, tummy trimmers, can be purchased at home. To get motivated while burning fats, download some apps for weight loss and keep regular records. But before you start exercising, look after your lifestyle and choices.