Hindu Wedding Invitation Wordings: Some General Info!

Hindu Wedding Invitation Wordings

Hindu Wedding Invitation Wordings | Image Resource : miro.medium.com

Your mind thinks of many possibilities before making a selection. When you are getting a product, the thinking will be on the quality and the price tag. If you have to convey a matter your mind goes creative and thinks of beautifying the matter to be conveyed. It is not an easy thing as not always your creativity comes to your rescue. You will go for reference and then come up with the written matter.

The Selection Process!

Getting a card printed in the Indian context is a big process. You should get the approval of all the family members before selecting a card. Family members should like the colour, size, design and pattern. They will also emphasize on the invitation matter. Hindu wedding invitation wordings are carefully selected by looking at the samples from the databank. This is the core of the card and the wordings make a beautiful card meaningful.

Hindu Wedding Invitation Wordings: Style Followed!

There are many styles followed. In one style, the hosts the parents of the bride and groom solicit the honoured presence of the guests and after the inviting style is mentioned the names of the bride and groom are mentioned. In this case, the inviting style is at the top. The hosts take pleasure in inviting the guests for the wedding and the guests are always invited with respect. Indians consider guests as god and so they are invited with respect. Hosts feel happy and honoured to have guests for their occasion.

How Matter Is Conveyed?

The second case is having the names of the hosts and bride and groom at the top and the invitation matter in the middle. The invitation line is carefully chosen in Hindu marriage card wordings. Words such as respect and honour are used in the cards. The hosts cannot command to have the presence of the guests and they need to be invited with respect. Formal inviting style samples have many variations and you can choose the one which captures your attention. After this the details of the function are mentioned in detail so that guests could attend the wedding.

Mentioning the names of grand parents have become a tradition among Hindus. This is done for the guests to know more about the family and it is also as a way of respecting the elders of the family. Usually in Indian family scenarios the patriarch is respected and he has the final say in all the family matters. In some cases, you will see the card starts with the names of the grandparents. A fixed format is followed in Hindu wedding invitation wordings and you will find all the required information mentioned in detail.